News and Notes

***  SSRA UPDATE ***

Hello Ranchers
The Townhall meeting for tomorrow evening has been canceled. As some of you are aware, our community manager, Sandra Garland has left DRM.  Over the past year, she has been hosting our meetings via zoom. We are going to restructure and let everybody know how to participate With the board of directors.
We look forward to everyone’s involvement.
Kelly Stage
8/14/2024   7:37 AM

Tonight’s board meeting has been canceled.  Our community manager manager, Sandra Garland, has left DRM for a new position at College of the Desert.  It is our intention to meet with our new manager as quickly as possible, and reschedule the next board meeting.

Kelly Stage 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 6:30 P.M. 
This meeting is closed to the membership per Civil Code §4935 

LOST DOG UPDATE- Dog found!  Thank you all who were on the lookout.

One of our new Ranchers on Sun Corral has a dog that wandered away from their new home.  If you see or have the dog (large black brindle), please contact Cindy Forehead - +1 (402) 510-5012
Silver Spur Rancher's Association 
2024 Annual Budget (to be mailed to each owner to address on file)

Dear Silver Spur Rancher’s Association Owner: 

The Board of Directors is preparing for the 2024 fiscal year. Please review the enclosed items: 
• Annual Policy Statement 
• Budget Overview 
• Summary of Association Insurance Disclosure 
• Fee Disclosure Statement 
• Assessment and Reserve Funding Disclosure Summary 
• Reserve Study Summary 
• Architectural Review Process Summary 
• Rules and Regulations - Includes the Dispute Resolution Procedures 
The Board of Directors remains committed to maintaining the quality of life at Silver Spur Rancher’s Association while trying to contain costs. The Board of Directors has approved the 2024 fiscal year budget as outlined in the enclosed Budget Overview and has set the 2024 ANNUAL assessment at $216.00 due on November 15, 2023. 
Silver Spur Rancher’s Association 
c/o Desert Resort Management 
P.O. Box 601205 
Los Angeles, Ca 90060-1205 
Payments must be received on or before December 30, 2023 to avoid late charges. 
We encourage owners to sign up for our ACH program which will save you time and postage.  The form is enclosed for your convenience. 
The Board of Directors welcomes your attendance at any non-executive Board meeting scheduled. Notice of the meeting and the meeting agenda are posted on property at least four (4) days prior to Regular Open Session meetings. 
Upon written request Minutes of Board Meetings and other records are available at Desert Resort Management, 42-
635 Melanie Place, Ste. 103, Palm Desert, CA 92211. 

The Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity to thank owners who faithfully pay their assessments, which enables the Association to make timely payments to our service providers. This allows the Board of Directors to be pro-active in addressing day-to-day maintenance as well as long-term replacement projects. This benefits the community 
through increased property value, longer asset life, and increased curb appeal, keeping Silver Spur Rancher’s 
Association a great place to live.  
Sandra Garland, CCAM 
For the Board of Directors 
Silver Spur Rancher’s Association 


Dear Silver Spur Rancher’s Association Homeowners, 
Please be advised Silver Spur Rancher’s Association is in the process of restating the CC&R’s. Our HOA attorney is working to clean up the collection policy to match reporting information with a calendar year end. Everything will have the same information and will be set as a calendar year end. 
Until the new CC&R’s have been restated by the HOA attorney, voted on by the Members, and recorded with the County of Riverside, the Association will continue to operate with the assessments being due in November.  We expect this process will take until the end of the year to be completed. 

The due date for the 2024 annual assessment will be November 15th. If you need to contact Management to update your mailing address or email address, please contact
Sandra Garland at or call customer service at (760) 346-1161 You may mail your payment to the following address:

Silver Spur Rancher’s Association
Care of: Desert Resort Management 
PO Box 601205
Los Angeles, CA 90060-1202

Additional payment options are available for your convenience. Please contact customer service for more information. 

Thank you,
Sandra Garland, CCAM
Community Association Manager
On behalf of the Board of Directors for Silver Spur Rancher’s Association 
Desert Resort Management - an Associa® company42-635 Melanie Place, Ste 103Palm Desert, CA 92211

Sent by

Dear Silver Spur Rancher’s Association Homeowners,
The previously scheduled October 18th General Session Board Meeting has been rescheduled for October 9th, in an attempt to approve the 2024 Annual Budget ahead of the Annual Budget Mailer processing date. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The General Session will be held via Zoom at 6:30 P.M. The agenda is attached for reference and will also be emailed to homeowners who have provided email addresses to Desert Resort Management. If you would like verify your email address with DRM please contact Sandra Garland at

Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 867 4643 9469
Passcode: 395892 
One tap mobile
Dial by your location
Thank you,
Sandra Garland, CCAM
Community Association Manager
On behalf of the Board of Directors for SSRA
 Desert Resort Management - an Associa® company42-635 Melanie Place, Ste 103Palm Desert, CA 92211
Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by
Dear Silver Spur Ranchers Association, 
Please be advised the streets will be cleaned tomorrow morning, Saturday September 16, 2023 at 5:30 A.M. Please have your vehicles removed from the street during that time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The Board was given last minute notice.  

Thank you,
Sandra Garland, CCAM
Community Association Manager 


Emergency After Hours Call Service

The emergency after hours call service is overwhelmed, and is not able to accept any further calls. 
We are experiencing a severe tropical storm and no vendors are dispatching. It is not safe. There is widespread flooding throughout the valley and many streets are closed. This emergency is not effecting only you or your specific neighborhood.
If you are experiencing a roof leak do your best to contain the water. There is nothing which can be done today. E-mail your manager to be sure your address is on the list. Safe to say most every home in the valley is experiencing some sort of water intrusion problem. Your manager will get your address on the list.
If you are experiencing flooding in the street or common area or some other maintenance issue, please email your manager.
If you feel your life is in danger, or are experiencing a life threatening emergency, call 911.
It will take some weeks, or perhaps months, for repairs to be made following this storm. We ask in advance for your patience and understanding.
Again, please do not call the after hours service. We are experiencing a natural disaster. Today, you must help yourself. Take care and be safe and do all you can. 
Thank you.

To follow-up on Thursday’s message regarding the potential for severe weather due to Tropical Storm Hilary this weekend, I would like to provide you with some reminders and resources that you may need.
Remove furniture and decor items from your patios and balconies. It’s been suggested that we can expect winds in excess of 80 mph which will move chairs and tables. Please secure all loose items to avoid causing damage to your home or someone else’s home.
If you experience a power outage, first check the SCE or IID website. If your outage is widespread chances are a powerline is down somewhere. If not, check your breakers, get with other neighbors to see if they are also without electricity to determine what may be a root cause. If others are not experiencing an outage, contact your personal electrician.
If you see a downed tree, please avoid the area and report it to our after-hours emergency line at 760-346-1161. Depending on the current weather conditions and calls that may have already been made, landscape crews may not be able to make it out immediately. If the storm is as severe as noted on the news, it may take crews several days to get to everyone’s emergencies. Please stay clear of any downed trees for your safety. We will ask landscapers to block off these areas if they’re able.
Flooding can happen here in the desert in a blink of an eye. If you do not need to be out in the downpour stay put. Remember it’s not just overflow from our drains, but runoff from the mountains that can hit in a hurry.
If you experience flooding in your home, contact a water mitigation specialist immediately, not the HOA.
Please see the attached emergency protocol sheet. Do not leave an email or request on TownSq unless it’s for an issue that can be resolved at a later date.
When calling our after-hours service line at 760-346-1161, be sure to provide the address where the problem is located and be specific about what the problem is and the damage it is causing. Our service providers will be responding to emergency calls on a priority basis so we want to be sure we have all the important information for them to make that determination.
Landscaping is checking to ensure all debris is moved away from drains and will be shutting off the irrigation over the weekend as to not waste water.
If you are leasing your unit, please make sure your tenants are aware of these protocols and ask them to take precautions.
We are trying to help you prepare for a worst-case scenario because it isn’t often that weather of this intensity is predicted in the desert. We would rather you be safe, than sorry. Any type of storm will bring the potential of messy landscape, dirty pools, and a number of other things that can take time to clean up and get the community back to looking the way it normally does. Our service providers have multiple communities to care for and they will work to get everything done as quickly as possible. Please have patience during this process and stay safe.
Warmest regards,
Sandra Garland,CCAM®
Community Association Manager


Announcement of Regular Session Board Meeting 08.22.23
Dear SSRA Homeowners, 
The Board of Directors will hold a Regular Session Board Meeting on Tuesday August 22, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Please see the attached agenda for more information. The Zoom link is posted below for reference. Thank you. 

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 8995 1165 / Passcode: 826995
One tap mobile
Dial by your location

Thank you,
Sandra Garland, CCAM
Community Association Manager 
Dear Homeowners,

Out of an abundance of caution, we are alerting valley association residents that there is the possibility of an extreme weather event commencing Saturday and extending into next week - currently forecast to bring 5-10 inches of rain into the lower desert. We have alerted the onsite Landscape team of this possibility so that, if appropriate, the irrigation can be turned off and that their team is alerted to the possibility of landscape issues.
Again, this message is cautionary at this time - the incoming weather may be more benign than currently forecast - however it is a good idea to be prepared in any event. Please keep an eye on this situation and secure your property. 

Thank you and we wish you a great desert summer and weekend ahead! 

Warmest regards,
Sandra Garland, CCAM
Community Association Manager 

Dear Silver Spur Rancher’s Association Owner:
As you know, the Association held its Annual Meeting of the Members and Election of Directors on Saturday July 29, 2023. After tabulation of the ballots cast, Laura Medina, Cindy Schmale and Kelly Stage was elected to the Board of Directors.
Your 2023-2024 Board of Directors is as follows:
Kelly Stage, President – Two-year term
Laura Medina- Secretary/Treasurer – Two-year term
Cindy Schmale – Director/Architectural Committee – Two-year term
Tracy Shannon continues to serve as Vice President as her term expires in 2024.
The 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes were approved by the Membership, as well, the IRS Ruling 70-604 was adopted by the Membership for fiscal year ending December 31, 2023.
Thank you to all who submitted your ballots and/or attended the meeting in person.
If you have any questions regarding the Annual Meeting and Election, please contact Sandra Garland, Manager for Silver Spur Rancher’s Association at (760) 346-1161 or by email at
Sandra Garland, CCAM
Community Association Manager
On behalf of the Board of Directors for Silver Spur Rancher's Association

Jul 27, 2023 04:36 pm SSRA Annual Meeting 07.29.23
Dear Silver Spur Rancher's Association Members,
This is a reminder that the Annual Meeting and Election will take place on Saturday July 27, 2023 at 10:00 A.M. You are welcome to come in person to the Desert Resort Management office located at 42635 Melanie Place, Suite 103, Palm Desert, Ca 92211 or you may attend virtually via Zoom. The Zoom link is:
Meeting ID: 841 3250 5148 / Passcode: 187102
One tap mobile
Dial by your location
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all. 

Sandra Garland, CCAM
Community Association Manager 

2/24/2023 - Note from the president.

As we move towards efficiency, I wanted to impart some best practices.
The best practice for communication right now is to use the Desert Resort Management provided platform, TOWNSQ. You may access it through the DRM website.
It will allow you to submit architectural requests, communicate, pay your annual dues, and view notices and documents. If you have not already set up an account, please do so at your earliest convenience. We have found it to be very efficient, and easy to use. The access for the website link is below.
As always, if you have any questions, or need help, please reach out through this website, and we will address your needs as soon as possible. Our plan is to phase this out, but we are not sure when, and we will keep it active indefinitely.

On a separate note, we have a new landscaper, who is working on restoring our common areas. If you have any ideas, or concerns, please feel free to reach out. We appreciate everyone’s patience and look forward towards the beautification and restoration of Silver Spur Ranch.
Kelly Stage

Dear Silver Spur Rancher's Association Members,

I would like to clarify an error that was sent out recently stating the membership dues are $216 a month. This was an error and the membership dues remain at $216 per year, due on November 1st. A Payment coupon has been mailed that contains each homeowner's account number. If you need assistance locating your account number, please contact our customer service center at (760) 346-1161 and a customer service rep will be able to assist you.

I apologize for any confusion this has caused. Please reach out to me if you have any questions at

Thank you,
Sandra Garland
Community Association Manager 


Remodeling? Adding On?
Please submit your request for review using this form. As part of its permitting process, the City will first look for approval by your homeowner's association. Be sure to submit your plans first to the Architectural Committee of the Board. You may find the full text of our By-Laws and CC&R's under Documents in the navigation area to your left.
Short-Term Rentals
All previously permitted short-term rentals within R-1 and R-2 zones, which includes all of Silver Spur Ranch, terminated on December 31, 2019. Residents who wish to report a problem with a short-term rental are encouraged to call the City of Palm Desert’s Code Compliance Department during business hours at 760-346-0611 or call the Short-Term Rental Hotline at 760-862-6900 (to report issues after 1 a.m., please call the Palm Desert Police Department at 760-836-3215). 
Thinking About Solar?
Here are some thoughts from the Board.
About Your Mailing Address

Please read to keep your mailing address current.

Heard Around the Ranch

Property Maintenance
Please make sure that you maintain your property appropriately. Let's keep the Ranch looking great!
Residents have asked about solicitors. Our association rules do not address solicitation, but the City of Palm Desert requires a permit for door to door solicitation. (There is an exception for school kids selling items for school fundraisers.) To register a complaint with the city, call 760-346-0611 ext. 477. If necessary, the city can follow up to investigate if solicitors have obtained permits.
Palm Desert Municipal Code
We frequently get questions not addressed in our association documents. Residents might find answers at this link:


Hello Ranchers,
Click on this hyperlink to read a
DRAFT of the proposed CC&Rs that brings our HOA into compliance with current California laws.
Meanwhile, for your convenience there will be 9 paper copies in the circle SSRA bulletin boxes. We will restock as needed.
The Board welcomes everyone’s thoughts and comments since the association will need to vote to pass the CC&Rs.
Kelly Stage

Eyes and Ears

Common Area Concerns
Contact Us to report damage to the common area property of Silver Spur Ranch. This includes the Silver Spur Trail median, the circle and the "island" on which our covered wagon sits.
Some homeowners have had questions regarding the use of drones in the Ranch. If you believe a drone is impinging on your privacy, we recommend that you contact the Riverside County Sheriff's Department at 760-836-1600 and document the time and location. A picture will also be helpful.
Streets and Other City Property
Our streets are maintained by the City of Palm Desert. To report issues or problems with streets or other public property, please call the Public Works Department of Palm Desert at 760-776-6450.
Trash Bins
It's been noted that a number of homeowners are storing their trash bins in front of their property (in front of a garage or carport).  As a reminder, our CC&R's stipulate that trash bins are required to be stored behind your home or out of view from the street. Let's all keep the Ranch looking great!

Our New Mailing Address

Silver Spur Rancher’s Association
C/O Desert Resort Management
P.O. Box 14387
Palm Desert, CA 92255
The previous mailing address listed is no longer valid.  Please use this one or contact DRM direct.  



Dear Silver Spur Rancher’s Association Owner:

As you know, the Association held its Annual Meeting of the Members and Election of Directors on Saturday,
June 01, 2024. After tabulation of the ballots cast, Jennifer Winston and Jay Kocourek were elected to the
Board of Directors.

Your 2024-2025 Board of Directors is as follows:

Kelly Stage- President, continues to serve as his term expires in 2025.

Jennifer Winston – Vice President, two-year term

Jay Kocourek -Treasurer, two-year term

Laura Medina- Secretary– continues to serve as her term expires in 2025.

Cindy Schmale – Director/Architectural Committee Chair, continues to serve as her term expires in 2025.

The IRS Ruling 70-604 was adopted by the Membership for fiscal year ending December 31, 2024.

Thank you to all who submitted your ballots and/or attended the meeting in person.

If you have any questions regarding the Annual Meeting and Election, please contact Sandra Garland, Manager
for Silver Spur Rancher’s Association at (760) 346-1161 or by email at

Warmest Regards,
Sandra Garland, CCAM
Community Association Manager
On behalf of the Board of Directors for Silver Spur Rancher’s Association

PRO ELECTIONS PO Box 390, Murphys, CA 95247 | (209) 559-1448 | |

Official Election Results
Silver Spur Ranchers Association
2024 Board Election
Election Date: June 1, 2024
Number of Ownership Units: 231
Number of Ballots Received: 78
Attempted Meeting Date(s): none
Quorum Achieved: Yes
Number of Seats Up for Election: 2 board seats

Result: Jennifer Winston 66 votes - ELECTED
Jay Kocourek 36 votes - ELECTED

Karen Santa 24 votes - not elected
Tracy Shannon 13 votes - not elected
Valarie Atwood Conley 8 votes - not elected
Ami Kurzweil 0 votes - not elected

Vote on Resolution Regarding IRS Revenue Ruling No. 70-604:
Yes 67 votes - APPROVED
No 6 votes
No Response 5 ballots

I certify that the foregoing election results for the above scope of work are true and accurate and were
derived in compliance with all applicable statutes and provisions of California law and Association
governing documents.

By: Abigail Padou
Independent third-party Inspector of Elections
Pro Elections’ Scope
Call for Candidates: 2/12/2024
Nomination Deadline: 3/15/2024
Pre-Ballot Notice: 3/29/2024
Ballot Package: 4/29/2024
Ballot Tally: 6/1/2024

Silver Spur Ranch History

This article about the history of the development of Silver Spur Ranch recently appeared in the Desert Sun.

Rules of the Road

Private Drive Behind Lower Silver Spur Trail
The access road directly behind the homes on lower Silver Spur Trail is private property, not a city street. This drive is owned by the residents on Silver Spur Trail and is for their use in accessing their backyards and garages. Please respect the privacy of these owners and instruct your friends, workers and visitors to do the same.
One Way Traffic in the Circle
Please observe the counter-clockwise flow of traffic around the Silver Spur Trail circle at all times. Endangering pedestrians and other drivers to shorten your drive by a few seconds is dangerous and in violation of posted One Way signs.